
Why, what and how
The rights of the child
In 1989 world leaders made a historic commitment to the children of the world by adopting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child – an international agreement on childhood. Almost every country in the world signed this convention; the Netherlands in 1995.
The rights of children on the run for war are violated on a large number of articles secured in this convention. Including article 31 which states:
- States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.
- States Parties shall respect and promote the right of the child to participate fully in cultural and artistic life and shall encourage the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity.
We are motivated to act against the great injustice that children on the run in Europe suffer from. We feel it is our own responsibility as European citizens to act. Using our strengths and talents we have the ability to make a difference in the world, to make a difference in Europe. To stand up for the rights of the most vulnerable, the children who had no choice but ended up in miserable situations through no fault of their own.
Those studying and working now, will be shaping the future. We aim to inspire students in arts and social studies to actively use their talents for a better world. Furthermore we aim to humanise the people referred to as ‘refugees’.
The power of imagination
We give children the opportunity to play, to train the power of imagination and with that we strengthen their ability to imagine an alternative future. Since, without an inner imagination of an alternative future, there is no hope, no place to go.
“Imagination is central to recovery, without the imagination of an alternative future there is no place to go.”
– Dr. Bessel van der Kolk
Who need it the most
For both our projects within the Netherlands and in camps or slums elsewhere in Europe we try to work with children ‘who need it the most’ to make the biggest impact. Meaning we try to go to places where for example there are limited basic needs, where children have no permanent or safe place to live or where children do not have the opportunity to engage in play and recreational activities.

Our mission
Not every kid gets the childhood it deserves. Some kids had to flee their home country because it was just too unsafe for them. Some kids end up in refugee camps, having traumas and remaining in survival mode. A huge lack of hope, of playing and laughters is far too often reality.
Our Mission
Using the power of imagination to empower refugee children and at the same time raising awareness about displaced children and their well-being and development.
Our Vision
We believe in a world where every kid has the right to play.
Our Values
Humanity, positivity, creativity, playfulness, and co-creation.
Anti-racism statement
Our foundation stands for the core values of human dignity, integrity and equality. We are aware that we are a predominantly white group who work in spaces where a lot of racism takes place. We take a definitive stance against racism and discrimination in all its forms. We recognise that White Saviorism and White Supremacy are prevalent within humanitarian work and we actively work against this.
We would like to make working with our project inclusive for everyone, but we know we have a lot more work to do. If you have any suggestions of how we can be more inclusive, thank you, and please get in contact at info@changingstoriesfoundation.org